

Do it

Do it to know

Do it to know how to do it

Do it to know how to have it done

(Marco Tonon, President of Pacefuturo since 2014)


Retrieving and enhancingthe artisanal traditions of a territory going through a crisis such as Biella’s, together with transferring knowledgefrom natives to local citizens or asylum-seekers are acts of responsibility and trust in the future.

Scuola#laboratorio ARCANK’IO, was born for encounter, exchange and artisanal production which involve asylum-seekers hosted by Pacefuturo and the local community.

The encounter must generate paths of social accountability, to go from an individual to an active member of a community.

What is crucial is the relationthat one manages to create with the community sectorand the entrepreneurial system: this generated the collaborations with F.lli Piacenza of Pollone, a leading textile company well-known for processing the finest fibers; with the natural cosmetics lab of Dr. Reynaldi of Turin, with Fondazione Magnetto of Rivoli and Fondazione Cittadellarte of Biella.

The multidisciplinary teamof Pacefuturo can count on skilled professionals with decades of experience managing development and international cooperation projects in Africa and Italy. The association chose to spread the guestsover 11 small facilities, 8 being in Pettinengo, hosting over 120 asylum-seekers in total.

The Model “Pettinengo: un paese che accoglie” is a research topic and gets promoted at a national and international level as an example of good practice with regard to welcoming projects in mountain areas.

National media outlets such as Rai, La7, Mediaset and well as the Swiss and Spanish televisionshared the hosting experience of Pettinengo.

L’interesse dei media nazionali, come la Rai, La7 e Mediaset, ed internazionali, come la televisione svizzeraRS1 e quella spagnola, hanno fatto conoscere al grande pubblico l’esperienza di accoglienza messa in atto a Pettinengo.

La speranza vive a Pettinengo

Il paese modello di accoglienza

Accoglienza, i soldi sono finiti

Un piccolo villaggio piemontese