Support Us

Support Us

We are a non-profit volunteer association based in Pettinengo, Biella. Pacefuturo is listed:

in the Volunteerregister of Regione Piemonte since 2007 – section promotion of culture, education, lifelong learning,

in the register of legal entitiesof Regione Piemonte since 2009,

in the register of organizations and institutions performing activities in favor of migrantssince 2010

Since 2010 we have been supporting the non-profit association Insieme a Chiara Castellani in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and we are a local coordinating member of Libera.

Since 2017, Pacefuturo is accredited as a volunteer coordination, hospitality and deployment body within the European Voluntary Service (EVS), Erasmus+ program.



Become a member of Pacefuturo: the membership card will be delivered to your door.
Donate your time and skills to the right cause: become a Pacefuturo volunteer
Purchase our artisanal products

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C.F. 90049980023