Pacefuturo invested in the creation of a regional network to work in close cooperation with the territory and all its parties, both public and private:

  1. Local state entities:

Prefettura (territorial government office) and Questura (local police headquarters)

Police and Carabinieri

  1. Social-health services:

Centro ISI (Immigrants Health Information Center) and Local Health Authority, both in Biella

CISSABO (local association of social services in the area of East Biella)

  1. Associations, institutions and private bodies:

Local administration of Pettinengo

Local administration of Ronco Biellese

Local administration of Zumaglia

Diocese of Biella

Church of Pettinengo

“Vittorio Sella” Unified School of Pettinengo

“G. and Q. Sella” High School of Biella

“Bona” Technical High School of Biella

Caritas Pettinengo

Associazione Dopo di Noi

Associazione Piccola Fata

Pro Loco (organization for the promotion of territory) of Vaglio Pettinengo

Associazione Biellese Apicoltori (beekeepers in Biella)

Associazione Teatrando

“Stalker Teatro” theater company – Turin

Associazione Dislivelli – Turin

Associazione Insieme a Chiara Castellani – Rome

Associazione Song Taaba – Rome

“Gambidi” cultural space – Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)